Free download Bamboo File Sync and Backup

Bamboo File Sync and Backup

An intuitive file synchronization and backup utility which automates copy, deletion, and comparison of computer files
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User rating
6 votes
File size
42 KB
Release date
30 December 2011

Editor's review

Any kind of machine, however much perfect or secure it may be; it can be prone to failure or corruption at any point of time jeopardizing its prospects and endangering the procedures involved with it. Especially, if in such a case the machine happens to be computer systems, the anticipated losses can be huge and disastrous as these machines happen to store up humongous amounts of information in their database and entire departments depend on their precise working and streamlining commands to have their work run smoothly. Having a back up is always a good idea in this context as it keeps tensions at bay and enables the user to easily work through without worries; Bamboo File Sync and Backup 3.0.7 is an exclusive back up utility with automated features to assist computer users.

Bamboo File Sync and Backup opens with a neatly arranged interface with the chief options placed at the screen for easy navigation and operation. This intuitive utility helps in easier synchronization of files stored up and automates copy and deletion commands and works perfectly with portable devices such as flash memory and hard disks amongst other removable devices. The application is designed to simplify and automate the tedious work of the modern computer users who consistently have to undergo the copy and paste routines to save their work. The program helps the user to predefine the routine file copy actions and also helps in group actions and schedules as desired for proper execution. The program is an enhanced tool with its sophisticated set up, processing engine and advancing filtering options.

Overall, Bamboo File Sync and Backup 3.0.7 absolutely comes across as a safe and constructive facility for any computer user as it facilitates storing information and hence gets a rating of four points for its impressive performance.

Publisher's description

Bamboo File Sync and Backup is an intuitive file synchronization and backup utility which automates copy, deletion, and comparison of computer files in different storage devices like hard disks, flash memory, network drives and removable devices. It is designed to simplify and automate the tedious works of modern computer users who consistently experience manual work of copying files back and forth among their personal and network folders. Bamboo let you pre-define your routine file copy actions; or complicated ad-hoc copy actions, so that you can execute them over and over again without manual selection, monitoring, examination, and conflicts resolution. Bamboo also let you group such actions together and schedule their execution as you wish.
With the easy and friendly user interface, sophisticated file processing engine, advanced filtering, and comprehensive options, users can start to distribute and backup their files to more and more computers and storage devices. Such copy and backup actions would make more sense now than ever because they would never need to worry if those copies are up-to-date or not.
Bamboo File Sync and Backup
Bamboo File Sync and Backup
Version 3.3
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